On the Occasion of 8th National Science Day, Lumbini Buddhist University, Central Campus Organizes
A Webinar on ‘Buddhism and Science’
Chief Guest of the Program: Hon. Minister of Social Development, Province No. 5, Mr. Sudarshan Baral
Speaker’s Name & Topic
Dr. Surendra Man Bajracharya Buddhism: Where Religion Meets Science
Ven. Pyinnyardhikarlinkara Understanding Abhidhamma from Modern Science and Vice Verse
Mr. Ukesh Raj Bhuju Buddhist Perspectives on Sustainable Development: Living Together with Nature
Dr. Nyima Tsering Nepali Sowa Rigpa prospective on Mental Health
Date & Time: September 17, 2020, Thursday, Nepali Time: 3:00-5:00 PM (Ashwin 1, 2077)
- Start Date:09/17/2020
- Start Time:3:00pm
- End Date:09/17/2020
- End Time:5:30pm
- Number of Participants:250
- Location:Zoom Webinar