About FHSS

Lumbini Buddhist University

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers programs in Bachelor and Master Levels including Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws with Honors in Buddhism (BA LLB) at its Butwal City College, Naya Gaun, Butwal, Bachelor of Rural Development at its Central Campus, Parsa Lumbini, Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM) at its Butwal City College, Naya Gaun, Butwal as well as at its Central Campus, Master of Arts in Archeology and Buddhist Sites at its Central Campus, Parsa Lumbini, Master of Arts in Museology and Buddhist Archives at Akshewsor Dham Bihar in Lalitpur.

Mission and Vision Statements

This Faculty offers its learners an opportunity to acquire socially and ethically valid and relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies so that it can serve as an exemplary institution in Nepal to provide accessible and affordable education with integrity and inclusiveness. This Faculty uniquely integrates knowledge and Buddhist values in its curricula (such as love, compassion, renunciation, and peace).

Our Objectives

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences aims at:

Delivering its learners an opportunity of and access to academic, professional, and research-based education through blended mode (a combination of Face-to-Face and Online mode) with collaborative and learner-centric way;

equipping its learners with knowledge, skills, competencies by best-utilizing information technology in education;

developing sensitivity to ethical, aesthetic, and social issues;

cultivate in learners an ethical awareness to live with love, compassion, renunciation, cooperation, and peace

Fostering excellence in learning and researching by nurturing an environment based on evidence-based, inquiry-based learning, reasoning, and researching;

Equip learners relevant skills to compete in society;

Delivering its learners an opportunity of and access to academic, professional, and research-based education through blended mode (a combination of Face-to-Face and Online mode) with collaborative and learner-centric way;

Developing sensitivity to ethical, aesthetic, and social issues;

Modes of Delivery

a. Pre-Class Activities with blended mode (a combination of Face-to-Face and/or online through a learning management system) in which learners will be assigned tasks to accomplish at home /out of the classroom before they attend the classrooms. They will be given the unit /module of the curriculum, learning materials textbooks, authentic keynotes on relevant topics, Weblinks, Blogging, LinkedIn, videos, and other new media-related materials so that they will prepare in advance and attend the classrooms with some content in their minds.

b. In-Class Activities with blended mode (a combination of Face-to-Face and/or online through learning management system) in which they participate in lectures, presentations, discussions, interactions, problem-solving activities.

c. Post-class activities: learners will be given assignments and learners’ feedback will be entertained.

d. Online but asynchronous learning by learners by downloading the lectures and reading materials.

e. Portfolio and multiple tasking (mainly through Learning Management System /Virtual Learning Platform).

Assessment/Evaluation Methods and Types

Students’ evaluation will be continuous, diagnostic and placement, formative and summative. As part of the Internal Evaluation (40% weightage), Portfolio, Individual /Group Assignment, Attendance and Presentation will be used for awarding marks. As part of External Examination (with 60% weightage), Semester-End or External Examination will be conducted jointly by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dean’s Office, and Controller of Examinations. Learners’ learning achievement will be assessed through the following processes:

a. Internal Assessment: 40% of the total weightage
i. Attendance and Participation
ii. Portfolio and Formative Dimension
iii. Quiz, Lessons, Individual and Collaborative /Group Assignments
iv. Writing Assignments and Presentation

b. External Assessment /Examination: The LBU Controller of Examinations will administer it. In special circumstances such as pandemic lockdown, virtually proctored and time-bound examinations will be implemented.

Learner Support System

Learner Support Center will facilitate teaching staff and non-teaching staff (from the administration technical section) to support learners in their learning processes. Learners will be contacted and responded through bulk messages through SMS, emails, landline, and /or mobile phones. Learner Support Center will be ready to support in face-to-face mode as well. Learners’ grievances, comments, suggestions will be entertained through online modes since learners are located at a distance.

Program Review

  • This program will be periodically reviewed on the basis of the parameters set by the University /Faculty/Quality Assurance and Accreditation Cell. At least one cycle of the program will be the observation period or piloting of the program.